Art and Design Studio – Grand opening
Thank you to everyone who attended the Grand opening of our Art and Design Studio on Friday 4th November. What a memorable event. A huge thank you to the FOS for their timely and well needed refreshments. Thank you to our Governors who have supported us through the whole process, we couldn’t have done it without you! Jonnie our artist is still working on the blinds for the new studio, so thank you to everyone who took part in the design process. Did you spot ‘Starship’ company on tv this week? Thank you to Starship for their robotics demo. Kader, Gemma and Mrs McDonald performed as creatively as ever and were appreciated by all. Thank you to Peter (our Premises Manager) for the spectacular display of fireworks to round it all off.
Photography Competition
Well done to everyone who took part in our photography competition – so many entries. The democratic process of voting went on throughout the day and night. Winners were announced in assembly yesterday.
Mr Atwal – Teacher winner ‘view of Big Ben – at night’
Amar – Child winner ‘View of Tower Bridge’ by night
Mr Penny – Parent Winner ‘View of Big Ben November 2016’
Check out our galleries featuring photos from all of our entrants below.
This may take some time to load due to the high numbers of entries.
Parents, Carers & Staff