Phone: 020 8858 5497 Email:

Sherington Xtra Breakfast & Afterschool Club

Extended Day Care Aims and Objectives

We aim to offer ‘Out of School’ care to children of school age up to 11 years of age. We aim to offer play and educational opportunities that are both fun and challenging.

The clubs operate within Sherington Primary School using the school hall, Creation Station and Nursery (afterschool only). 

The club follows all school policies and procedures around Health and Safety.  Staff who organise and run the provision are employed by the school and work also as Teaching Assistants during the school day. This ensures that the same high level of care and consistency of practice is maintained.

1. The club will meet all relevant legislation applying to it.

2. The club will provide a balanced range of activities, taking account of the ages, development needs, interest and hours and patterns of attendance of each child.

3. The club will operate a self-evaluation scheme as a means of ensuring that continuous improvement takes place and will involve staff and users in this process.

4. The club’s management will supervise the activities of its staff through a formal supervision and development programme.

We run Breakfast Club from 8am to 8:50am and Afterschool Club from 3:30pm to 6pm – with children collected by 5:55pm.

Both clubs run from Monday to Friday for children in Reception to Year 6 (aged 4 – 11 years).


£5.00 for Breakfast Club

£11.00 for Afterschool Club

All enquires can be made through Sahira Mohammad (provision lead) on 07907 517599 or the school office team.

Please use the Google Form for Breakfast and Afterschool Club applications.